Rehab Select Blog

Bobby Stephenson

Combining compassionate, personalized care with advanced clinical services, Rehab Select provides those we serve with both the highest quality care and quality of life. Long term care, rehabilitation services, and physical therapy services.

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Long Term Care: Is Home Care Right for Your Loved One?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 31, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Home care is a long term care option that many consider for their loved ones when they are no longer able to safely and effectively manage on their own due to illness, injury, or significant medical events. Regular visits from home care providers can be a good solution for many, providing the help they need to function well and safely in their own homes. However, like any type of care, it isn't right for everyone. So what do you need to know to make a solid decision on whether or not home care is right for your loved one?

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Topics: Long Term Care

30 Questions to Ask a Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 24, 2017 9:00:00 AM

If you or a loved one are in need of skilled nursing care, it is important to know that not all skilled nursing facilities are the same. While all, by definition, offer skilled nursing care, other services may differ significantly from one facility to another. For instance, some may emphasize rehabilitative services for short stay patients, while others may be more focused on long-term care. Some provide specialized medical care, while others do not. Then there are differences in quality, amenities and costs to consider. So what should you ask to be sure you choose the right facility for your needs?

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Topics: Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing

Treating COPD with Diet: How Nutritional Therapy Can Help

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 24, 2017 8:30:00 AM

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) represents two conditions and their associated symptoms. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are both symptoms that are present in and related to COPD. As a result, patients can suffer from oxidative stress, which makes it imperative that rehab professionals combine their care efforts with a dietitian to plan meals that reduce breathlessness or shortness of breath.

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Topics: COPD, Pulmonary Rehab

4 Tips for Choosing a Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 17, 2017 9:00:00 AM

If you are tackling the task of choosing a skilled nursing facility for yourself or a loved one, whether it is for a short rehabilitation stay or for long term care, the array of available options in any given area can be overwhelming. After all, most of us know just enough about such facilities to know that quality can vary significantly from one facility to another, which makes choosing carefully essential. So what do you need to know to ensure that your choice results in the high-quality care and services you need?

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Topics: Long Term Care, Skilled Nursing

Treating COPD with Patient Education

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 16, 2017 8:30:00 AM

Since there is no cure for chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), learning to live with and manage the condition is vital. Physicians will recommend pulmonary rehabilitation as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, but ultimately, it is the lifestyle changes that may have the greatest impact. Those affected with this condition find that what they do at home makes them feel better, and according to the Mayo Clinic, slows lung damage at the same time.

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Topics: COPD, Pulmonary Rehab

Long Term Care: How to Check for Quality

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 11, 2017 8:00:00 AM

If you are in search of a facility to provide for your long term care needs, quality is of prime concern. So how can the average person, with little or no experience with these types of facilities, accurately assess their level of quality? Here we'll go over the what you need to know about how to check for quality as you compare long term care facilities in your area.

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Topics: Long Term Care

Skilled Nursing Facilities: How to Compare

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 9, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Skilled nursing facilities specialize in caring for individuals who need assistance on a temporary basis as the recovery and rehabilitate after a serious illness or medical event, or people who need long term care due to chronic illness or disabilities. If you or a loved one are in need of this type of care, you'll find that there are many such facilities available to provide that care.

While having lots of options is an advantage for many reasons, it can also make the task of choosing the best one for your needs a bit more difficult. Here we'll lay out a basic road map of how to compare skilled nursing facilities effectively to ease your path to a solid, well-informed decision about your care.

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Topics: Long Term Care

Remembering What’s Important to Our Patients

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 5, 2017 9:09:00 AM

At Rehab Select we love to stress how efficient we are at long term care, at getting people in, rehabilitated and back out living their lives at a pace that serves them individually. But we don’t spend enough time shedding light on the other aspect of what we do.

Or, more importantly, the result:

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Topics: Long Term Care

3 Things to Look for in an Alabama Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 3, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Are you in need of skilled nursing care for yourself or a loved one? If so, you have probably already realized that there are lots of skilled nursing facilities in business today. While most offer a similar range services, they are not all alike. Some are better than others, going above and beyond basic established standards to deliver exceptional all around care to their patients, while others struggle to maintain those basic standards.So what do you need to know to ensure that the facility you choose is one of those better ones?

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Topics: Long Term Care

Choosing an Alabama Long Term Care Facility: 10 Questions to Ask

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Apr 28, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Choosing an Alabama long term care facility is an important decision – one that you'll want to be sure to get right the first time. Clearly, the primary reason for that is ensuring that the facility you choose offers quality care and a comfortable, respectful environment. Secondarily, the process of choosing a facility can be tedious, time-consuming and stressful, and choosing well means that you won't have to do it twice.

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Topics: Long Term Care