Our employees care deeply about the physical and emotional well-being of the people they serve, whether they see them from behind desks in the social services office or heal them through contact in physical therapy.
The accidents that send people to the hospital and then through the journey of rehabilitation can be traumatic. We know that our patients' loved ones are concerned for their peace of mind during recovery. After one such patient came through our doors, we had the opportunity to show their friend how much we care.
This patient's friend went out of their way to write us a letter recognizing our staff for how professional and dedicated they were in working with them. He thanked the entire staff and two employees who went above and beyond to provide the comforting reassurance that his friend needed in order to utilize our great resources and to complete physical therapy and consequently exceed far beyond their initial expectations.
We don't expect this kind of recognition from our patients or the people that care for them, but receiving notes like these means a lot to us because it let's us know that what we do is working.