Rehab Select Blog

Physical Therapy in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 21, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Physical therapy in a skilled nursing facility plays a number of important roles in the care of the clients they serve. It can provide benefit to these clients whether they need short-term skilled nursing care for rehabilitation after an injury, illness or medical event or longer-term care due to chronic health conditions or disability. Here, we’ll look into the various roles skilled nursing facility physical therapy can play in the overall care provided by these facilities.

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

What is a Skilled Nursing Facility? 3 Things to Know

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 19, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Has a skilled nursing facility been recommended for you or a loved one by a medical care team? If so, you probably have a lot of questions about this type of care and the facilities that provide it. So what is a skilled nursing facility? How do you know if you really need one? Will Medicare cover skilled nursing care?

Here we’ll answer these questions as we outline 3 important things to know about skilled nursing centers.

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

Does Workman's Comp Pay for Physical Therapy?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 7, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Workers’ compensation, or workman’s comp, is a mandatory insurance program that is designed to ensure that workers who experience on-the-job injuries or job-related illnesses are compensated for medical care, lost wages, and any type of long term disability resulting from these incidents.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

How Long Term Disability Affects Workers Compensation

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 5, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Workers’ compensation provides workers with benefits when they suffer a work related injury or illness. For an injury that involves lost work time, those benefits generally include some compensation for lost wages, as well as medical benefits.

Many people who qualify for workers comp benefits after an injury may also be covered by a long term disability policy that also offers some compensation for lost wages for injured workers. If you are one of them, you may want to know if claiming your long term disability benefits will affect your workers’ compensation. Can you collect from both?

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Does Your Loved One Need an Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Center?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 23, 2018 8:00:00 AM

If you are assisting with care decisions for a loved one who will need rehabilitative care after a serious injury, illness or medical event, as you likely have already discovered, making those decisions can be a confusing and stressful process. One decision you will probably be expected to make is a choice between using an inpatient physical rehabilitation center or outpatient services for that care. So how do you know whether your loved one needs inpatient rehab care?

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

How to Treat COPD: 5 Treatment Options

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 16, 2018 8:30:00 AM

COPD can feel just like the television image; a woman is trying to breathe with an elephant on her chest. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the description for a condition marked by the inability to breath normally. This inability for the lungs to function properly is caused by mild to severe tissue damage.

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Topics: COPD

How Inpatient Rehab Physical Therapy Can Help These 5 Conditions

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 15, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Inpatient rehab physical therapy provides intensive, individualized treatment to improve the strength, endurance, functional ability and well-being of the patients it serves. It can benefit patients of all ages who suffer with a wide range of conditions that cause some level of impairment. 

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Topics: Physical Therapy, Inpatient Rehab

Why Inpatient Treatment is Needed for Cardiac Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 10, 2018 8:00:00 AM

If you have had a cardiac event, a cardiac surgery or have heart disease and have been encouraged to check into an inpatient facility for cardiac care, you probably have a lot of questions. Perhaps you’re wondering why inpatient treatment is necessary. Why would your healthcare team recommend it over outpatient care? Chances are there are important reasons for that recommendation, and we’ll outline the most common reasons inpatient care is often needed for cardiac care.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

What to Expect from Respiratory Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 8, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Respiratory care is a specialized area of the healthcare field that primarily treats people who have been diagnosed with diseases and health conditions that affect the heart and lungs. Patients are typically referred to respiratory care to address breathing problems caused by these diseases and conditions.

If your healthcare team has recommended respiratory therapy for you, knowing what to expect from this form of treatment is important so you can make the most of the benefits it can offer to help you better manage your health issues.

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Topics: Short Term Rehab

Positive Feedback From Families and Rehab Select Patients

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 4, 2018 9:00:00 AM

At all of our Rehab Select facilities, we work to provide the best possible experience for all patients through providing the resources and staff needed to assist with a thorough and efficient recovery.

We love hearing from patients as well as their families about their experiences at our facilities.

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Topics: Short Term Rehab