Rehab Select Blog

How to Care for Aging Parents: 5 Ways

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 15, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Caring for your parents as they age can be a very complicated and emotionally fraught task for all involved. Managing things like healthcare, finances and safety for the Mom and Dad who once took care of such things for you can be difficult on a variety of levels.

As difficult as it may be for you, it is important to be aware that it may be much more so on your aging parents as your roles in the family dynamic essentially become reversed.

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Topics: Aging Patient Healthcare

How to Use Tax Deductions for Elderly Parent Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 2, 2018 8:30:00 AM

If you have taken on the role of caregiver for one or both of your parents, chances are that tax deductions for that care are not on your radar.

However, the role you have taken on can take quite a bite out of your budget, so taking advantage of whatever sort of help you are entitled to as a taxpayer is wise. So how can you use tax deductions for elderly parent care?

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Topics: Aging Patient Healthcare

5 Things You Should Know: Caring for Aging Parents Checklist

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 31, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Becoming a caretaker for your aging parents can be a quite an adjustment. It is emotionally difficult to see and accept that your parents have come to the point of needing care, and delivering that care can be physically difficult and stressful. However, being well-prepared for that role can make things a little easier than they might otherwise be. To help you do that, here are 5 things you should know as you embark on this journey, in the form of a handy caring for aging parents checklist.

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Topics: Aging Patient Healthcare

14 Ways Workers Comp Physical Therapy is Helpful

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 24, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Workers comp physical therapy is a mode of treatment that works to improve recoveries and overall functional outcomes after a workplace injury. An effective, responsive and cost-efficient workers comp physical therapy program can be helpful in a number of ways during the recovery process to all involved parties, including the injured worker, their employer and the employer’s workers comp insurance provider.

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Topics: Physical Therapy, Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

10 Crucial Skilled Nursing Services

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 18, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Have you been advised by healthcare professionals that you or a loved one need skilled nursing services? If so, this probably raises a few questions for you. What can you expect should you follow that advice? Which services does skilled nursing care offer that could be crucial in improving or maintaining your health and well-being?

To help you understand why this type of care may be necessary, here we will outline 10 crucial skilled nursing services.

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

Coping with COPD: How Pulmonary Rehabilitation Can Help

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 11, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Coping with COPD means you can still live a full and active life, in most cases, despite the diagnosis. It takes pulmonary rehabilitation and careful attention to your lifestyle, diet, and physical fitness level.

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Topics: COPD, Pulmonary Rehab

Skilled Nursing Facility vs Nursing Home: 3 Differences

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 10, 2018 8:30:00 AM

If you are looking into your options for post-acute (after a hospital stay) care or long-term care, the terms you hear as you do that can be confusing. Skilled nursing facility vs nursing home, for instance.

These terms are often used as if they were interchangeable, but they are not. There are significant differences between the two that are important to be aware of as you weigh your care options. Here are 3 key differences between these two types of care:

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

5 Reasons to Choose a Long Term Skilled Nursing Facility

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jul 5, 2018 8:30:00 AM

If you or a loved one has a need for long term care, chances are skilled nursing facilities in your area are among the options you’re looking at in pursuing that care. So why choose a long term skilled nursing facility? What are the advantages of this option as compared to others, such as home care or assisted living facilities?

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

What is Post Acute Care? 5 Ways a Skilled Nursing Facility Helps

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 28, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Has post acute care in a skilled nursing facility been recommended for you as an alternative to going right home from the hospital after discharge?

If so, you probably have some questions, such as: What, exactly, is post acute care? When and why do hospital medical teams and/or discharge planners recommend it? How can a skilled nursing facility help you once you have been discharged from the hospital? Here we’ll address these common questions.

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Topics: Skilled Nursing

How to Compare Skilled Nursing Rehab Facilities

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 26, 2018 9:00:00 AM

One of the first things people find out as the need for care in a skilled nursing rehab facility arises is that these facilities are not all the same.

While many basic services may be comparable from one facility to another, many other factors can differ significantly, including quality of care, the range of services offered, staffing levels, costs/value and the general cleanliness and comfort of each facility, among many others.

These differences can make choosing the right facility to meet your care needs difficult. So how should you compare skilled nursing rehab facilities?

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Topics: Skilled Nursing