Rehab Select Blog

Bobby Stephenson

Combining compassionate, personalized care with advanced clinical services, Rehab Select provides those we serve with both the highest quality care and quality of life. Long term care, rehabilitation services, and physical therapy services.

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Resuming Activities After Joint Replacement Surgery

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Nov 1, 2016 8:00:00 AM

One of the most common questions people ask as they work with their healthcare team to plan joint replacement surgery is just how long it will take to get back to normal daily activities after the procedure. While the answer to that question will vary to some extent from one patient to another, here we'll get into the general details of what the average patient can expect as they work towards getting back to a healthy, active lifestyle after hip or knee replacement surgery.

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Topics: Joint Replacement Surgery

Factors in the Success of the Bundled Payment Model

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 27, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The bundled payment model has been around for a while now and is becoming ever more common in the healthcare landscape. This offers providers who are new to this value-based payment model an advantage that the earliest adopters did not have: the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. So, based upon that experience, what are some of the most important factors in the success of the bundled payment model?

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Topics: Bundled Payment

3 Critical Answers About Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 25, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you are in the planning phases of an orthopedic procedure or are beginning recovery from surgery or injury, chances are that your healthcare team has suggested an orthopedic rehabilitation program to help ensure that you make your best recovery as quickly as possible. Orthopedic rehabilitation may also be suggested for you if you are living with arthritis, osteoporosis or other similar chronic orthopedic conditions. Whatever the underlying reason, if orthopedic rehab is something that you are considering, you are sure to have some questions about these programs. To help you along as you explore your rehabilitative options, here are 3 critical answers about orthopedic rehabilitation that can make it easier to make solid, well-informed decisions about your care.

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Topics: Caregiver Resources

Bundled Payments: Cutting Post-Discharge Care Costs

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 20, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The bundled payment model has become an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional fee-for-service payment. At the forefront of the ongoing shift towards value-based healthcare, the goal of this payment model is to reduce healthcare costs while maintaining or improving quality-of-care. Post-discharge care is one area in which, according to recent research, the bundled payment model has shown promising results in meeting those goals.

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Topics: Bundled Payment

Short Term Rehab for Osteoporosis-Related Injuries

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 18, 2016 8:00:00 AM

A good short term rehab program can be of great benefit to patients who have suffered osteoporosis-related injuries. Fractures are the most frequent injuries related to this extremely common disease, and often, they are the first inkling people have that they have been affected by osteoporosis. Fractures related to this bone-thinning disease occur most commonly in the wrist, spine or hip, and recovery can be challenging. Often, recovery is complicated by concerns about further injury, especially in newly diagnosed patients who may be fearful about their condition and patients with advanced bone loss. Rehabilitation therapy can help these patients overcome both the physical and emotional challenges of recovery.

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Topics: Short Term Rehab

2 Factors in Short Term Rehab Success

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 17, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Short term rehab programs can be of great benefit to patients who are recovering from a medical incident, such as injury, surgery, stroke or heart attack, aiding them in recovering strength, function, mobility and independence. These programs can also be of great assistance to people who are suffering with chronic health conditions, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease, among others, helping them learn to manage these conditions more efficiently and reduce their impact on day-to-day quality of life. If such a program has been recommended for you, here are 2 very important factors in short term rehab success—information that can help you choose the right program to make the most of your rehab experience.

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Topics: Short Term Rehab

Can Orthopedic Rehabilitation Speed Recovery?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 11, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If recovery from orthopedic surgery, such as joint replacement or fracture repair, is a challenge you are facing or will soon face, you will surely be striving to get through the experience and back to normal as quickly as possible. If you have expressed that desire to your healthcare team, chances are that orthopedic rehabilitation has been suggested to you as a means of hurrying the process along. So does it really help? Can orthopedic rehabilitation speed your recovery?

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Topics: Caregiver Resources

Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Arthritis: What to Expect

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 6, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you have arthritis, whether you are newly diagnosed or a longtime sufferer, chances are good that your medical care team will refer you to orthopedic rehabilitation. The reason such referrals are so common is that good rehabilitation programs can help arthritis sufferers maintain or even improve joint function and control day-to-day symptoms of this potentially debilitating disease. So what can arthritis patients expect from orthopedic rehab?

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Topics: Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Arthritis

6 Exercises for After Joint Replacement Surgery

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 4, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Rehabilitative therapy is essential to successfully returning to a healthy, active lifestyle after joint replacement surgery, a very important fact to keep in mind if you'll be having one of these procedures. Exercise is the chief component of that therapy, and you'll be advised to perform a number of exercises daily—especially during the early stages of recovery from hip or knee replacement—to gradually improve balance, flexibility, muscle strength and joint function. Among the most frequently prescribed are the following 6 exercises for after joint replacement surgery.

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Topics: Joint Replacement Surgery

The Bundled Payment Model: Getting in on the Ground Floor

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 3, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The bundled payment model has emerged as the favored alternative to the traditional fee-for-service model in the ongoing shift towards value-based healthcare reimbursement. That status, already made plain by the rapid growth of bundled payment programs offered by private payers, including healthcare systems, insurance companies and large employers, has been cemented by the growing number of bundled payment initiatives rolled out by government payers. Perhaps the most notable of these are several bundled payment initiatives undertaken by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) that bundle payments for care provided to fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries.

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Topics: Bundled Payment