Rehab Select Blog

Bobby Stephenson

Combining compassionate, personalized care with advanced clinical services, Rehab Select provides those we serve with both the highest quality care and quality of life. Long term care, rehabilitation services, and physical therapy services.

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Starting an Effective Workers Compensation Program at Your Company

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 23, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Workplace injuries are a concern for every company today, given the ever-rising costs of such incidents.

These include the human costs of on-the-job injuries—pain, suffering, disability and lost income, for instance—and the financial costs employers face, including workers' comp costs, reduced workforce productivity, and the expenses associated with replacing injured workers.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: What's the Difference?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 21, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Physical therapy and occupational therapy are two rather closely related fields—so closely that many people are under the impression that the terms are interchangeable. While both types of therapists may work with similar patients, injuries and conditions, there are distinct differences between the two. Here we'll go over those differences to help potential patients clear the air about these therapies, making it easier for them to pursue the most suitable treatment for their specific needs.

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Topics: Occupational Therapy

Improving Care Delivery With Bundled Payments

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 19, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Much of the buzz around bundled payments has been focused on their potential for containing or reducing the overall costs of healthcare. However, as important as cost-cutting is, it is certainly not the whole story when it comes to the goals of the bundled care model. Improving the quality and efficiency of care is also a primary goal of this value-based payment model.

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Topics: Bundled Payment

Your Guide to Occupational Therapy and How it Works

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 16, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Occupational therapy is a rehabilitative specialty that provides therapeutic interventions that work to enhance patients' ability to participate in the meaningful activities of daily life, despite the presence of impairments in physical, mental or cognitive functioning. So who can benefit from occupational therapy? What can patients who undergo this type of therapy expect? To answer these questions and others for patients considering therapy, here is a brief guide to occupational therapy and how it works.

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Topics: Occupational Therapy

2 Differences Between Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 14, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you are rehabilitating from physical impairments resulting from illness or injury, physical and/or occupational therapy are likely to be recommended as part of that process. Often, patients who have been referred to these services are confused about the differences between these two similar forms of therapy. To help ease your way through your care planning efforts, here are 2 important differences between physical therapy and occupational therapy.

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Topics: Occupational Therapy

Arthritis and Occupational Therapy: 3 Tips for Patients

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 12, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you're an arthritis sufferer, occupational therapy is an important part of managing your symptoms. This is as true for the person newly diagnosed with arthritis as it is for those in its more advanced stages. That's because occupational therapy can help you learn how to minimize the impact of arthritis symptoms on your quality of life, giving you the tools you need to stay healthy and active and live life to the fullest. If you will be seeing an occupational therapist, here are 3 tips that can help you make the most of the experience.

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Topics: Occupational Therapy

Recognizing the Beneficiaries of the Bundled Payment Model

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 8, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The bundled payment model is a relatively recent development in the healthcare industry and one that is gaining ground against the traditional fee-for-service healthcare payment model. It is designed to add value to the care process, working to contain or lower costs while maintaining or improving quality. When it comes to recognizing the beneficiaries of this payment model, payers—be they government or private ones—are the most obvious. However, bundled payment plans can also convey benefits to other parties involved in the care process, including healthcare providers and their patients.

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Topics: Bundled Payment

Occupational Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 30, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you certainly don't need to be told that this disease can make daily life difficult. During a flare, when joints are swollen, stiff, and painful, or in the advanced stages of the disease, when gradual damage to joints impairs their function, even simple, everyday chores, tasks, and activities can become challenging ordeals. Occupational therapy for RA can make living with RA a bit easier, helping you maintain your independence and improve your quality of life.

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Topics: Occupational Therapy

2016 Trends in Healthcare Payment Models

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 26, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Today's healthcare market is a swiftly changing landscape, and much of that change is related to alternative healthcare payment models. The goal of those models is to stem the tide of rising healthcare costs while continuing to provide an excellent standard of care to patients—a concept that has become widely known as "value-based healthcare." So how is this move towards value-based healthcare models panning out? Here is what you need to know about 2016 trends in healthcare payment models.

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Topics: Bundled Payment

4 FAQ's About the Bundled Payment Model

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM

The bundled payment model is on the rise in today's healthcare marketplace, with a growing number of government and corporate payers testing new bundling plans as an alternative to the traditional fee-for-service payment model. The goal of these initiatives is to reduce the costs of healthcare while maintaining or improving the quality of care patients receive. While many healthcare providers have already had experience with this value-based payment model, many others have not. If you are one of them, chances are you have questions about bundled payments.

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Topics: Bundled Payment