Rehab Select Blog

Bobby Stephenson

Combining compassionate, personalized care with advanced clinical services, Rehab Select provides those we serve with both the highest quality care and quality of life. Long term care, rehabilitation services, and physical therapy services.

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What Are the Goals of Cardiac Rehabilitation?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 27, 2023 9:00:00 AM

If you’ve recently suffered a heart attack, or are experiencing chronic or acute heart disease, you may be referred for cardiac rehabilitation.The American Heart Association defines cardiac rehab as “a medically supervised program designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty or heart surgery.” The best cardiac rehabcenters design customized programs that include exercise and educationto help patients recover successfully, reduce and manage symptoms, and improve their quality of life.  

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Topics: Cardiac Rehab

The Relationship Between COPD and Heart Disease Risk

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 5, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Men and women who have COPD are two to three time morelikelytohavecardiovascular diseasethan the general population. When COPD and heart disease exist together, each impacts the outcome of the other and increases your risk of death.

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Topics: COPD, Cardiac Rehab

Evaluating a Workers’ Comp Physical Therapy Program

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Workers’ comp physical therapy is an essential component in work injury rehab. It helps patients improve mobility, manage pain, prevent future injuries, and return to work as soon as possible while lowering overall costs for insurance payers and employers.  

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Topics: Physical Therapy, Workers Compensation

The Four Cardiac Rehab Phases

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | May 14, 2023 9:30:00 AM

If you’re suffering from a chronic or acute cardiac condition, or recovering from cardiac surgery, your healthcare provider may refer you for cardiac rehabilitation. Cardiac rehab has been proven to have significant benefits for patients: it can improve your quality of life, help you manage or reduce cardiac symptoms, and even lengthen your life. 

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Topics: Cardiac Rehab

How to Find Work Injury Rehabilitation that Delivers Good Outcomes

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Apr 20, 2023 9:30:00 AM

As a nurse case manager, you naturally want to place patients at a rehab facility that can deliver the best outcomes for patients while supporting your relationships with claim adjusters. But how do you objectively evaluate a workers’ comp program? 

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Topics: Occupational Therapy, Workers Compensation

How to Coordinate with Claims Carriers About Work-Related Injury Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Apr 13, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Nurse case managers who handle work-related injury claims face a lot of competition. How can you stand out and keep adjusters returning to your services? 

A high success rate is essential, but that's not all. Claims carriers want to feel comfortable with the nurse case managers they work with. They seek professionals with good attitudes and track records of advocating for their patients, getting them back to work quickly, and lowering medical expenses. 

So what do you need to know to establish good working relationships with insurance carriers? Here are some insights nurse case managers can use to deliver the kind of work rehabilitation that helps patients — and pleases insurance adjustors.

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Topics: Workers Compensation

Communicating with a Patient About At-Work Injury Rehab

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Mar 29, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Nurse case managers play a critical role in work injury rehab. But how can you ensure a patient recovers as quickly as possible while keeping the medical costs down? 

Effective communication is essential in helping patients understand what they can expect from at-work injury rehab so that they'll follow their treatment plans and achieve the best outcomes in a timely manner.  

But it's not always easy to navigate the complex dynamics when so many parties are involved. Here's what you need to know to communicate with your patients effectively every step of the way during work injury rehab care.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab, Workers Compensation

7 Tips for Working with Rehab to Treat Workers’ Comp Injuries

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Mar 21, 2023 8:15:00 AM

Your relationship with the rehab facility that is treating your patient plays a critical role in making workers' comp rehabilitation successful. Knowing how to make the most of this relationship will benefit both the patient and you by accelerating recovery, helping patients return to work faster, and lowering the overall cost of treatment.  

Rehab Select has partnered with many experienced nurse case managers to support workers' comp rehabilitation. To help your patients realize better rehab outcomes and reap the benefits of workers' compensation physical therapy, we’re sharing our most valuable from-the-trenches insights. 

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Topics: Workers Compensation

How to Find Timely Care for Work Related Injury Rehab

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Mar 1, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Nurse case managers are educators and motivators who work with injured employees to help them understand their medical conditions, get the necessary treatments promptly, and navigate the complex healthcare system. 

Engaging a nurse case manager on a claim can reduce medical and indemnity costs by an average of $6,100, resulting in an 8:1 ROI. But how can you deliver the best outcomes to keep adjustors returning to use your services? 

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Topics: Workers Compensation

How to Make Workers’ Comp Injury Rehab More Cost-Effective

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Feb 7, 2023 9:00:00 AM

A workers’ comp injury begins a long journey, starting with initial treatment and ideally ending with a return to work. Getting the patient to that successful outcome is a team effort, and nurse case managers play a critical role in keeping that team together. 

Cost-effectiveness is only one of the nurse case manager’s goals for treatment, but it is an important one. After all, keeping total costs down is an indicator that the patient is progressing through treatment. The faster an employee can reach MMI and return to work, the lower the costs of a workers' comp injury.  

The goal is not to rush rehabilitation at the cost of a full recovery, potentially increasing the risk of re-injury. Instead, nurse case managers and providers must design programs that restore functional capacity completely. Even so, keeping efficiency in mind benefits everyone involved. 

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Topics: Workers Compensation