Rehab Select Blog

Bobby Stephenson

Combining compassionate, personalized care with advanced clinical services, Rehab Select provides those we serve with both the highest quality care and quality of life. Long term care, rehabilitation services, and physical therapy services.

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7 Critical Qualities in an Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Nov 27, 2019 8:30:00 AM

You or a loved one are faced with choosing an orthopedic rehabilitation center to recover from an injury or illness and aren’t sure where to start. The best place to begin is to do some background research on facilities in your area and schedule a visit at a few of your favorite places if you have time before discharge to do so.

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Topics: Orthopedic Rehabilitation

How Inpatient Orthopedic Rehabilitation Impacts Recovery

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Nov 22, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Orthopedic rehabilitation can be highly effective for many patients. In some cases, patients may be referred for a full inpatient orthopedic rehab program; in others, an outpatient or home care program may be enough to help support patient recovery. In this article, we’ll break down the benefits of orthopedic rehabilitation, and help you to figure out whether an inpatient or outpatient treatment would be more appropriate for you or your loved one.

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Topics: Orthopedic Rehabilitation

What is Orthopedic Rehabilitation?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Nov 19, 2019 8:15:00 AM

Your healthcare provider may suggest orthopedic rehabilitation as part of your recovery program after surgery, illness, or an acute medical event. If you’re wondering what that looks like and what to expect at your appointments, keep reading for the answers to your most frequently asked questions.

Learning more about orthopedic rehabilitation helps you to wrap your mind around what you’re about to experience and the big-picture strategy behind how it helps.

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Topics: Orthopedic Rehabilitation

11 Jobs That Play a Significant Role in Inpatient Rehab Facilities

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Nov 6, 2019 8:30:00 AM

Inpatient rehabilitation is a team effort. The close collaboration between all the different professionals involved with inpatient rehabilitation can be a key factor in helping patients recover more quickly. If you’ve ever felt curious about how the people in your inpatient rehabilitation facility are working to contribute to your recuperation – or if you’re interested in working in rehab yourself - this article is for you. We’ll take a detailed look at the varied roles that make up an inpatient rehab team, as well as what makes each of them significant.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

Preventing Hospital Readmissions with Post-Acute Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 17, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Returning to the hospital after discharge is undesirable, as it can be disruptive to your everyday life and very costly. It's unsettling when your condition doesn't get better once you go home, prompting you to go back to the hospital.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

Reducing Hospital Readmissions Related to Hypertensive Heart Disease

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 15, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Hypertensive heart disease is the leading cause of death associated with high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common condition in which the force of the blood pumping through the heart is elevated, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood out to the body. Risk factors for high blood pressure include genetics, obesity, older age, chronic kidney disease, stress, and dietary and lifestyle issues.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab, Cardiac Rehab

Reducing Hospital Readmissions for Chronic Kidney Disease

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Oct 9, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Thirty million people in the United States are living with chronic kidney disease. The condition, also known as chronic kidney failure, involves the progressive loss of kidney function. The kidneys usually filter waste and excess fluid from the blood; if they fail, waste and other fluids can build up in the bloodstream, causing severe illness and potentially death.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

Reducing COPD Hospitalizations & Readmissions with Post-Acute Care

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 30, 2019 11:23:22 AM

Breathing problems are a common symptom for people with COPD, and so are the hospitalizations and readmissions that often result from such alarming symptoms. However, hospital stays can be quite costly and disruptive to your life. Because of this, you likely try to avoid hospitalization whenever possible.

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Topics: COPD, Inpatient Rehab

How to Prevent Sepsis Readmissions: 4 Steps to Prevention

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 27, 2019 1:15:00 PM

Sepsis is a potentially fatal condition, occurring when the body’s response to infection triggers full-system changes that can damage multiple organ systems. It can affect anyone but is most common (and dangerous) in older adults, pregnant women, babies, and those suffering from chronic conditions or weakened immune systems.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab

5 Top Reasons for Hospital Readmissions

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 19, 2019 8:30:00 AM

Transitioning home after a hospital stay may leave you feeling uncertain and fearful as you're left to face the rest of your recovery on your own. You’re on high alert for returning or new symptoms, especially because you lose accessibility to the type of immediate care available in the hospital. Readmission rates are also affected by the complexity of your condition and how well you comply with treatment.

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Topics: Inpatient Rehab