Rehab Select Blog

Does Workman's Comp Pay for Physical Therapy?

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 7, 2018 8:30:00 AM

Workers’ compensation, or workman’s comp, is a mandatory insurance program that is designed to ensure that workers who experience on-the-job injuries or job-related illnesses are compensated for medical care, lost wages, and any type of long term disability resulting from these incidents.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

How Long Term Disability Affects Workers Compensation

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Jun 5, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Workers’ compensation provides workers with benefits when they suffer a work related injury or illness. For an injury that involves lost work time, those benefits generally include some compensation for lost wages, as well as medical benefits.

Many people who qualify for workers comp benefits after an injury may also be covered by a long term disability policy that also offers some compensation for lost wages for injured workers. If you are one of them, you may want to know if claiming your long term disability benefits will affect your workers’ compensation. Can you collect from both?

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

The Role of Case Managers in a Work Comp Injury

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 20, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Case managers are being employed in a growing number of work comp injury cases these days, and may be assigned to them by insurance carriers, self-insured employers or third party administrators.

Their greater presence in the claims process has led many who have had little experience with these professionals to become curious about just what their role is in the claims management process. Here we'll provide a general outline of that role.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Managing a Catastrophic Workers' Compensation Injury

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 13, 2017 7:00:00 AM

While catastrophic claims amount to only 10 percent of overall workers' compensation injury claims, they are arguably the most important claims in terms of the importance of proper management.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Workers Compensation Vocational Rehabilitation: Achieving Optimal Outcomes

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 6, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Workplace injuries create frustrating issues for all involved. For the injured worker, there is the pain and trauma involved in being injured on the job, as well as the financial uncertainty that arises when temporary or permanent disability results from those injuries.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Workers Comp Vocational Rehab: Getting Employees Back to Work

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 30, 2017 7:00:00 AM

When it comes to workers' comp injuries, getting employees back to work as quickly as possible benefits everyone, from the injured employees themselves to employers, insurance carriers and other stakeholders in the injury management process.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

4 Things to Know About Workers Comp Vocational Rehab

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 23, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Vocational rehab for injured workers is designed to provide workers who have suffered on-the-job injuries with services to help them in regaining the ability to earn a living through gainful employment.

If you are involved in a workers' compensation case in which these services may be deemed appropriate, here are 4 things to know about vocational rehab:

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Workers Compensation System: Cost Considerations

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Aug 16, 2017 7:00:00 AM

When workers are injured on the job, achieving maximum medical improvement – restoring their personal best level of health, function and productivity – is, of course, top priority.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab

Starting an Effective Workers Compensation Program at Your Company

Posted by Bobby Stephenson | Sep 23, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Workplace injuries are a concern for every company today, given the ever-rising costs of such incidents.

These include the human costs of on-the-job injuries—pain, suffering, disability and lost income, for instance—and the financial costs employers face, including workers' comp costs, reduced workforce productivity, and the expenses associated with replacing injured workers.

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Topics: Workers Compensation, Vocational Rehab