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Modern Recovery Methods: Post Surgical Rehabilitation Therapy

Posted by Bobby Stephenson

Nov 17, 2014 8:30:00 AM

Modern_Recovery_Methods_Post_Surgical_RehabilitationHaving surgery is a big step: it requires advance preparation and the selection of a healthcare provider in which the patient has total faith. While many people may focus on the surgical procedure itself, for some patients the post-surgical period is just as important. It is during this time when patients recover their bodies so that they can regain full use of the areas that were operated on.

Rehabilitation therapy has changed a great deal, however. If you or a loved one will be undergoing surgery that requires post-surgical therapy, it is important that you know what to expect.

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Where Rehabilitation Therapy Occurs

Most of the time, post-surgical therapy takes place in specific areas of skilled nursing facilities: rehabilitation wings that have the equipment and space necessary for patients to regain their strength. In some cases, rehabilitation may take place at a hospital. For more long-term rehabilitation, some patients may be able to get therapy at dedicated rehab facilities that are specifically made for people recovering from a surgical procedure.

The Rehabilitation Process

The exact type of physical rehabilitation therapy that is required for a patient depends on their specific injury. Patients generally receive a customized rehabilitation plan that covers all of their needs.

Most common kinds of rehabilitation include:

  • Skilled nursing, which helps make sure that patients regain independence by helping them with their day-to-day tasks

  • Wound treatment, which involves changing bandages and cleaning the wound

  • Occupational therapy to help patients restore the functions of their limbs, which involves training for strength or for specific motions

The rehabilitation process also varies depending on the specific facility. In order for you to understand what specific kind of rehab is best for you, a trained physician will need to evaluate your condition and make sure that you get the treatment you need.

Also remember that your schedule may change as you progress through your rehabilitation. At some point you may be placed in a semi-private room, for example, depending on the exact nature of your therapy.

How Long Will it Take?

The amount of time that your therapy takes depends on a few factors: how severe the injury was, how intensive your surgery was, and how well your body responds to the therapy. For example, if you had a serious injury in your back that affected many parts of your spinal cord, your rehabilitation may take longer than it would have if you only injured one part of your body, such as an arm or a leg. These are just generalizations on what to expect: only a skilled healthcare specialist will be able to give you an accurate timeframe for how long your rehabilitation will take.

Remember, although rehabilitation therapy may be a daunting task, it will not be as difficult as it seems. One of the most important components of successfully rehabilitating your body is making sure that you learn as much as possible about the process so that you can prepare yourself. You can do this by talking to your healthcare providers or by reading online materials on the subject.

The other key to making sure that your rehabilitation goes smoothly is choosing the right facility. With the help of a skilled team of doctors and nurses that understand your needs, as well as a good attitude and some perseverance, you can get through the rehabilitation process quicker than you might think.

Post Surgical Rehabilitation

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